My Lord, What a Morning!

Oh, what a beautiful morning! Cobblestone Community Church's Resurrection Sunday 2010 started with a sunrise celebration on the front porch of The Loft, where 58 of us gathered to sing and share in a memorable Easter meditation by Pastor John Johnson, which he concluded with a reading of John Irving's "Seven Stanzas for Easter." By 7:18, the sun was up, and we concluded with the Easter refrain ("He is risen!," "He is risen indeed") at 7:19! The timing couldn't have been better.

After the sunrise celebration concluded, we joined together in an amazingly well-cooked and well-organized pancake and sausage breakfast, spearheaded by the able and efficient Roy Long and Chuck Long families!

Once the meal concluded, the fellowship continued as the saints pitched in and got tables and chairs moved to new locations in plenty of time for the morning's next events.

While worshipers filled the auditorium for the 10 a.m. worship celebration, our InMotion children's ministry hosted an Easter egg hunt for nearly a thousand Easter eggs our volunteers had prepared.

That's my daughter-in-law Nina and grandson Miles above, snatching an egg from the branch of a tree. More than a hundred children and volunteers participated in the morning's excitement.

Once again, the worship at The Loft was outstanding. It was such a joy to welcome so many new families and folks, invited by Cobblehead friends, who discovered what we've known for some time now: God is at work among the Cobblestone family! We broke our all-time attendance record as a church with an attendance of 645 for the morning! And what a sweet and sensitive response to the message and to the worship team's awesome rendition of "Garden," during the response time. It all went by a bit too fast, but I loved every minute of it, and most importantly, I believe our Lord enjoyed it, too!

1 comment:

  1. Tis truly a blessing to experience my first, certainly not my last Easter Celebration. Happy birthday Bob
