Bad Culture Eats Good Vision

In this characteristically excellent post from Ron Edmondson's blog, he relays an important message (and, just to be clear, he uses the word "culture" to refer to the pervasive culture or ethos of a church, company, or organization):
Bad culture eats good vision…

I don’t know who said it first. I’ve heard it several times. I’d love to give credit for it’s author, but I just don’t know.

I do know the phrase helps shape my thoughts as a leader…

Bad culture eats good vision…

You can have the greatest vision…

You can have an incredible plan…

You can be cleverly strategic…

You can have the best of intentions…


Bad culture eats good vision…

Every time….

Display seeds of dishonesty…

Spread some gossip…

Throw a little laziness in the equation…

Embrace complacency…

Have a controlling leader…

Let momentum dwindle…

Resist change…

Name the bad culture…

It will eat a hearty meal on your vision…

You know why?


Bad culture eats good vision…

I love whoever said that…

It almost seems to make culture as important as vision…

Moral of this story: Always build and maintain a healthy culture so you can protect your vision…

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