What a blessing it was to cooperate with God in changing our Advent and our Christmas during "The Advent Conspiracy" series! Many of us made changes that surely blessed God and made a difference in our celebration this year. Thanks to the obedient and generous response of God's people, $20,138.86 was raised in just five weeks (above and beyond our regular giving) to provide desperately needed clean, safe water for people in Peru and Burma. That will translate to a total of NINE NEW WELLS in nine different communities, where our 2009 Advent season will flow outward in blessing, day after day, year after year, for many years to come!
One of the wells is already under construction, under the oversight of our dear friends Don and Christie Latta and their Villa de Triunfo church in Arequipa, Peru.
The other eight wells will be dug in communities through Burma (Myanmar), through the work of Operation Blessing.
Our church is so blessed to have the missions committee we have, who are personally connected with each of these ministries, AND such generous, vision-oriented Christ-followers, who respond so beautifully to the call of God!
Praise God from whom all blessings FLOW!!!
Hey Bob: Ran across your blog (was curious about the name!) Noticed we listen to many of the same. Thought you might find my blog useful; http://hoteldrawer.blogspot.com/. God Bless! Glenn