I saw a great post by Kent Shaffer recently on churchrelevance.com, listing fifteen accountability questions. Good for anyone, but especially for those in ministry:
Having an accountability partner is only successful if you consistently meet, are brutally honest, and ask the right questions. Ed Stetzer has compiled a list of 48 accountability questions used by leaders such as John Wesley, Chuck Swindoll, Neil Cole, and Church Multiplication Associates. For my own use, I’ve adapted these questions into my top 15 personal accountability questions.
#1 - Did the Bible live in you this week?
#2 - Do you give it time to speak to you everyday?
#3 - Are you enjoying prayer?
#4 - Do you trust God?
#5 - When did you last speak to someone about your faith?
#6 - Have you been honoring, understanding, and generous to your family and important relationships?
#7 - Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or face-to-face?
Lust of the Eyes (Generosity)
#8 - Have you been materialistic or too focused on having something?
#9 - Have you been generous?
Pride of Life (Humility)
#10 - Have you been proud or too focused on being something?
#11 - Are you giving God the glory?
Lust of the Flesh (Integrity)
#12 - Is God honored in the way you eat and drink?
#13 - Are you improving your health through nutrition and exercise?
#14 - Have you been exposed to sexually alluring material or allowed your mind to entertain inappropriate thoughts about someone who is not your spouse this week?
#15 - Have you been with a woman anywhere this past week that might be seen as compromising?
These questions don’t cover everything, but they are manageable and help keep a broad scope of lifestyle goals in the forefront of your mind throughout the week.
Wow, that's pretty thorough. I have in the past given my accountability partner at most 5 or 6 questions to ask. I feel like such a slouch.
Great article. Keep posting such kind of information on уοur site. I really impressed by it. accountability training